
I am a software engineer, and long-time proponent of Go. This site hosts some of the blog entries I've written over the years, along with details about some of the projects I've created, and write-ups from interesting problems I've solved.

Every few years I decide that my current hosting solution isn’t ideal and go looking for a new one.

This year, I’ve decided to reduce costs (because my website receives so little traffic) by moving my static content over to GitHub Pages.

Feel free to check out the source if you want to see the content of my old blog’s posts, but realistically I probably won’t spend the required amount of time to update them to Jekyll beyond what I’ve done so far (which was to dump them from the Ghost sqlite database and hackishly template that out to files).

If you’re looking for my CS1372 resources, you can find them here.

The most popular references are these: